Taxi’s in the Netherlands: Best Practices and Insights


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Whether you’re dashing to an appointment in the heart of Amsterdam or trying to catch a late-night ride back to your accommodation, taxis offer a convenient and often essential way to get around. But for a foreigner, the Dutch taxi system might seem a bit different, and understanding its ins and outs can make your journey smoother.

This guide aims to demystify the world of taxis in the Netherlands for you, ensuring you’re well-equipped to travel comfortably and confidently. Let’s dive right in!

Key Takeaways

  • The Dutch taxi system is regulated, offering standard rates and distinct taxi markings.
  • Hailing a taxi can be done via designated stands, direct street hailing, or using apps.
  • Taxi fares consist of a start rate, distance rate, and time rate.
  • Prioritize safety by choosing licensed taxis and being aware of standard etiquettes.
  • The Netherlands ensures accessibility in taxis for those with disabilities and special needs.
  • Common taxi routes include airport transfers, train stations, tourist attractions, and business hubs.

Understanding the Taxi System

Understanding the Taxi System

The Netherlands boasts an efficient and reliable transportation system, and taxis play an integral role in bridging the gaps between public transport routes or simply offering a direct mode of transport when needed. If you come from a country where taxis are a primary means of commuting, or if you’re from a place where hailing a cab is a rare event, it’s crucial to grasp the dynamics of the Dutch taxi system to utilize it best.

Traditional Taxis vs. Ridesharing Platforms

Traditional Taxis: These are the taxis that you’ll typically find waiting at taxi stands or can hail on main roads. They are licensed by the government and follow a regulated fare system. When in doubt, always look for the distinct blue license plate that indicates a vehicle is an official taxi.

Ridesharing Platforms: Over the years, ridesharing platforms like Uber have become increasingly popular in the Netherlands. These services allow passengers to book rides using smartphone apps. The fare often fluctuates based on demand and supply at any given time. It’s important to note that Uber and similar platforms are generally cheaper during off-peak hours, but prices can surge during high demand.

Recognizing Official Taxis

As mentioned earlier, the most straightforward way to determine if a taxi is official is by its blue license plate. Moreover, official taxis will display a taxi light on the roof, have visible taxi fare rates inside, and the driver will possess a taxi driver’s certificate. Before boarding any taxi, it’s a good habit to check for these indications to ensure you’re in a licensed vehicle.

How to Hail a Taxi

Finding and hailing a taxi in the Netherlands is a straightforward process. Yet, for those unfamiliar with the local customs, even such a simple task can feel challenging. Here’s a practical guide to ensure that you can effortlessly flag down a ride whenever you need one in the Dutch streets.

Traditional Street Hailing

In most Dutch cities, especially the bigger ones like Amsterdam, Rotterdam, or Utrecht, it’s possible to hail a taxi directly from the street. However, it’s important to ensure you’re on a main road or a busy area. When you see an available taxi (usually indicated by a lit taxi sign on the roof), simply raise your hand to signal the driver.

Remember, not every taxi might be free, even if you spot them on the road. An unlit taxi sign typically means the taxi is occupied or not in service.

Taxi Stands at Major Hubs

Taxi stands are designated areas where taxis queue up, waiting for passengers. These stands are commonly found at transportation hubs like train stations, airports, and bus terminals. Additionally, popular tourist areas and major squares often have taxi ranks.

Simply approach the first taxi in line. If you’re uncertain about anything, most taxi drivers speak English and are happy to assist.

Calling a Taxi Service

If you’re not near a major hub or in a quieter part of town, you can call a local taxi company to request a pick-up. Many hotels and restaurants can also arrange a taxi for you upon request.

It’s a good idea to keep a list of reliable taxi company phone numbers or ask locals for recommendations. While the Netherlands is largely English-friendly, be prepared for the possibility that the dispatcher might not be fluent in English. A simple “Taxi, please?” often does the trick.

Using Smartphone Apps

Ridesharing platforms such as Uber or Bolt are operational in the Netherlands. By downloading their respective apps, you can request a ride with a few taps. The app will provide you with the driver’s details, car model, and estimated time of arrival.

Additionally, some traditional taxi companies have developed their apps for convenience. They function similarly to ridesharing platforms but offer rides in licensed taxis.

Costs and Payments

Costs and Payments

Navigating financial transactions in a foreign country can sometimes feel like you’re treading unfamiliar waters. Fortunately, when it comes to taxis in the Netherlands, the payment structure is transparent and straightforward. Here’s your guide to understanding the costs associated with Dutch taxis and the accepted modes of payment.

Base Fare, Distance, and Time Costs

Base Fare: Every taxi journey in the Netherlands starts with a fixed basic fare. This covers the initial cost of boarding the taxi.

Distance Cost: Apart from the base fare, you’ll also be charged based on the distance traveled. This rate is calculated per kilometer.

Time Cost: In situations where the taxi is moving slowly or at a standstill (for example, in traffic jams), a time-based charge might be added. This is calculated per minute.

While the exact rates can vary slightly based on the taxi company or region, there’s a maximum rate set by the Dutch government to ensure passengers are not overcharged.

Tipping Etiquette in the Netherlands

Tipping is not as deeply entrenched in Dutch culture as it is in some other countries. However, it is appreciated. If you’re satisfied with the service, rounding up to the nearest euro or adding a small amount (around 5-10%) is a kind gesture. But remember, it’s by no means obligatory.

Accepted Payment Methods

Cash: While many taxis accept cash, it’s always a good idea to ask the driver at the start of your journey if cash payment is acceptable.

Card: Many taxis in the Netherlands are equipped with card machines, making it convenient for passengers. Both debit and credit cards are usually accepted. If you plan to pay by card, especially if it’s a non-European card, inform the driver beforehand.

Mobile Payments: With the rise of digital transactions, some taxis have adapted to mobile payment methods like Apple Pay or Google Wallet. If this is your preferred method, checking with the driver at the journey’s onset ensures a smooth payment process.

Safety and Etiquette

When you’re in a foreign land, feeling safe and being respectful to the local customs ensures both a pleasant experience and a harmonious interaction with the locals. Taxis in the Netherlands are generally safe and efficient, but being informed about some basic safety and etiquette guidelines will go a long way. Let’s delve into some key points to remember.

Ensuring the Taxi is Licensed

Always check for the blue license plate, which is a clear indicator of a licensed taxi. This ensures you’re getting into a vehicle regulated by Dutch authorities.

Look for the taxi light on the roof and the visible taxi fare rates inside. A genuine taxi driver will also possess a taxi driver’s certificate, which they should be willing to show upon request.

What to Expect from the Driver

Dutch taxi drivers are generally courteous and professional. They will respect your privacy but are also open to a friendly chat if you initiate it.

Drivers are expected to take the most efficient route unless you specify otherwise. If you have a preferred route, communicate it at the start of the ride.

Most drivers speak English, especially in larger cities. Don’t hesitate to ask questions or seek clarification.

Riding Etiquette

Seatbelts: As in many countries, it’s mandatory for all passengers in a moving vehicle in the Netherlands to wear seatbelts. Ensure you buckle up as soon as you get in.

Smoking: Smoking is prohibited in Dutch taxis. If you’re a smoker, it’s courteous to refrain until after your journey.

Food and Drink: Avoid consuming food or drink in the taxi unless you have the driver’s permission. Some drivers might be okay with it, while others might prefer to keep their cars clean and odor-free.

Feedback: If you’ve had a pleasant ride, a simple thank you or compliment can brighten the driver’s day. Conversely, if there are issues, it’s okay to provide constructive feedback.

Personal Safety Tips

While the Netherlands is generally safe, always trust your instincts. If something doesn’t feel right, prioritize your safety.

Share your ride details with someone you trust or keep them informed about your whereabouts when taking a taxi, especially during late hours. Ensure your phone is charged, and you have essential emergency contacts saved.

Accessibility and Special Needs

Accessibility and Special Needs

The Netherlands, in its quest for inclusivity, strives to make its public services, including taxis, accessible to everyone, regardless of their physical capabilities or special needs. Being informed about the available options and features can make your travels smoother if you or someone you’re with requires additional assistance. Let’s explore the avenues available to cater to specific needs.

Taxis for Passengers with Disabilities

Wheelchair-Accessible Taxis: Special vehicles equipped to accommodate wheelchairs are available. They come with ramps or lifts and offer secure placements for wheelchairs to ensure a safe journey.

Booking: Many taxi companies have a dedicated fleet of wheelchair-accessible vehicles. It’s advisable to book in advance to ensure availability. When making a reservation, clearly specify your needs so the service can provide the appropriate vehicle.

Traveling with Children: Booster Seats and Regulations

By law, children shorter than 1.35 meters must use an approved child seat or booster seat when traveling in a vehicle, including taxis.

While some taxis might have booster seats available, it’s not a given. If traveling with young children, inquire in advance or consider bringing your booster seat to ensure compliance and safety.

Taxi Services for Large Groups

If you’re traveling with a sizable group, standard taxis may not suffice. Several taxi companies offer minivans or larger vehicles to accommodate groups.

When booking, indicate the number of passengers to ensure you’re provided with a suitable vehicle.

Other Special Needs

If you have other specific requirements, such as assistance with heavy luggage, a guide dog, or specific medical equipment, communicate this when booking. Dutch taxi services are generally accommodating and will make efforts to meet your needs.

Common Routes and Destinations

The Netherlands, despite its compact size, is brimming with vibrant cities, historical landmarks, and scenic landscapes. Whether you’re in the country for business, leisure, or perhaps a bit of both, there are certain routes and destinations that many travelers find themselves journeying to.

Knowing these popular routes can help you gauge travel times and estimate fares. Here’s a handy overview of common taxi routes and sought-after destinations:

Route/LocationEstimated DurationNotes
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol to City Center20-30 minutesMajor airport-city transfer route.
Rotterdam The Hague Airport to Rotterdam15-20 minutesQuick transfer to Rotterdam’s heart.
Amsterdam Centraal StationVaries by destinationCentral hub for train travelers.
Rijksmuseum & Van Gogh MuseumBased on pick-up pointClose proximity; cultural landmarks.
Keukenhof Gardens in LisseDepending on starting pointPopular during tulip season.
Zuidas, AmsterdamVaries by locationThe “Financial Mile”; business district.
Brainport EindhovenDepends on originTech and innovation hub.

Airport Transfers

Amsterdam Airport Schiphol to Amsterdam City Center: This is one of the most frequented taxi routes, as Schiphol is one of Europe’s busiest airports. The journey to the heart of Amsterdam typically takes around 20-30 minutes, depending on traffic.

Rotterdam The Hague Airport to Rotterdam City Center: A shorter drive, this route usually takes about 15-20 minutes.

Train Stations

Many visitors choose to explore the Netherlands via its efficient train system. Taxis are often used for the last leg of the journey from stations to accommodations.

Common stations include Amsterdam Centraal, Utrecht Centraal, and Rotterdam Centraal.

Tourist Attractions

The Rijksmuseum and Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam: Located close to each other, they are frequent taxi stops for those exploring Dutch art and history.

Keukenhof Gardens in Lisse: Especially popular during the tulip season, visitors often take taxis from nearby towns to witness the floral spectacle.

The Historic Center of Bruges: A UNESCO World Heritage site, this picturesque town with its canals and medieval architecture is a must-visit. Taxis can conveniently take you through various points of interest.

Business Hubs

Zuidas in Amsterdam: Often dubbed the “Financial Mile,” it’s the premier business district in the country. Taxis are a common mode of transport for professionals heading to meetings or conferences.

Brainport Eindhoven: A renowned tech and innovation hub, Eindhoven sees a fair share of business travelers using taxi services.

Beyond the Cities

The Dutch countryside, with its iconic windmills, expansive tulip fields, and picturesque villages, is a delight to explore. Destinations like the Zaanse Schans, Kinderdijk, and Giethoorn see many visitors hiring taxis for a comfortable excursion.

Resolving Issues and Complaints

Resolving Issues and Complaints

In an ideal world, every journey would be seamless and without hitches. However, occasionally, misunderstandings or unexpected challenges might arise during your taxi ride in the Netherlands.

The key is to address these issues proactively and with a constructive mindset. Here’s a step-by-step guide to effectively handle and resolve potential problems during your taxi experience.

Immediate Communication

If you notice a problem during the ride – whether it’s a route you’re not comfortable with, a meter you believe isn’t functioning correctly, or any other concern – address it politely with the driver. Oftentimes, clear communication can rectify issues on the spot.

Document Everything

In the event of a more serious problem, such as overcharging or misplaced items, it’s helpful to have documentation. Note down the taxi number, driver’s name (if possible), date, time, and specifics of the journey.

Clicking a picture of the taxi’s license plate or the displayed fare can also be valuable.

Contact the Taxi Company

If the problem isn’t resolved during the ride, the next step is to contact the taxi company directly. They usually have dedicated customer service teams to handle grievances.

Provide them with all the details and documentation you’ve collected. Most reputable taxi companies in the Netherlands prioritize customer satisfaction and will be keen to address your concerns.

Lodge an Official Complaint

If direct communication with the taxi company doesn’t lead to a resolution, you can file a complaint with the Dutch taxi complaints board, known as “De Geschillencommissie Taxi.” They provide a neutral platform to assess the situation and mediate a solution.

Keep in mind that there might be processing fees, but if the board rules in your favor, these fees may be reimbursed.

Know Your Rights

The Netherlands has strict regulations to ensure the rights of both passengers and drivers. Familiarizing yourself with the basic rights can be beneficial. For instance, taxi drivers are required by law to provide a printed or electronic receipt upon request. This can be valuable evidence if a dispute arises.

Stay Calm and Constructive

While it’s natural to feel frustrated when faced with a challenge, maintaining a calm demeanor and approaching the situation with a problem-solving mindset often yield the best results.

Additional Resources

Taxi Regulations and Rights: The Dutch government’s official website provides in-depth information on taxi regulations, passenger rights, and safety guidelines. Available in English, it’s a reliable source for all official matters. Dutch Government Taxi Information

De Geschillencommissie Taxi: If you need to refer to the official complaints board, their website provides guidelines on the complaints process, fees, and expected timelines. De Geschillencommissie Taxi

TCA (Taxi Centrale Amsterdam): One of Amsterdam’s most reliable taxi services has its own app, ideal for direct bookings, fare estimates, and special requests. This app covers several European countries, including the Netherlands. It’s handy for pre-booking and finding taxis in different Dutch cities.

Duolingo: While most taxi drivers in urban areas speak English, picking up a few basic Dutch phrases can enhance your experience. Duolingo offers a beginner-friendly course in Dutch.

Google Translate: An on-the-go translation tool can be handy for more complex interactions or to ensure clarity in communication.


Pieter van der Meer, our Lifestyle Coordinator at, embodies the vibrant and diverse Dutch lifestyle. Born and raised in Utrecht, Pieter has a deep-rooted love for his homeland, which reflects in his in-depth knowledge of the Netherlands’ culture, traditions, and lifestyle.

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