Shopping & Technology

Online Shopping from US or UK

Online shopping has become a staple for many consumers, and with the rise of international shipping options, it’s easier than ever for people in the Netherlands to shop from the US or UK. We will explore the best options for international shopping, highlighting popular platforms, shipping solutions, and important considerations. Whether you’re looking for unique … Read more

Guide to Solar Panels in the Netherlands [year]

The Netherlands is carving out a reputation as a frontrunner in adopting renewable energy, particularly solar power. While the thought of diving into a new technological venture in a foreign land might seem daunting, especially with potential language barriers, understanding and installing solar panels in the Netherlands can be rewarding and straightforward. Learn about the … Read more

Buying Gold in The Netherlands: Expert Advice and Insights

Whether you’re an expat looking to diversify your investment portfolio, a long-term tourist mesmerized by Dutch gold craftsmanship, or an international investor on the hunt for exciting ventures, The Netherlands offers a golden opportunity, quite literally! Dive with us into buying gold in the Netherlands, where potential investment meets the thrill of the chase. Key … Read more

Buying & Maintaining Used Cars in the Netherlands

As a foreigner, diving into the Dutch car-buying world can feel like uncharted waters. The Netherlands has its own set of regulations, popular car choices, and market dynamics. Whether you’re a student on a budget, a professional relocating for work, or a family looking to explore every nook and cranny of this beautiful nation, understanding … Read more

Guide to Selling Your Car in the Netherlands

This guide is designed to help you understand the process of selling your car in the Netherlands. Whether you’re unfamiliar with Dutch procedures or just want a clear step-by-step rundown in English, we’ve got you covered. Key Takeaways Dutch Car Selling Basics The Netherlands, with its intricate canals, historic cities, and vast tulip fields, also … Read more

Internet in the Netherlands: Best Providers & Tips [year]

In today’s world, where the internet is synonymous with day-to-day tasks, connecting with loved ones, and even professional commitments, it’s paramount to have a solid understanding of how to get the best connectivity for your needs. The Netherlands, renowned for its advanced infrastructure and efficient services, offers a myriad of choices when it comes to … Read more

Best Apps for Learning Dutch: The Essential Manual (2024)

Beyond its breathtaking landscapes, the true essence of the Dutch experience lies in connecting with its warm-hearted people. And what better way to do that than by speaking their language? If you’ve recently moved to the Netherlands or are planning an extended stay, you might find that while many Dutch folks speak impeccable English, picking … Read more

VPNs in The Netherlands: A Guide to Secure Browsing

This article provides a practical and clear guide on VPNs in the Netherlands, why they’re essential, which ones to consider, and how to make the most of them while ensuring top-notch internet security. Welcome to a safer and more accessible Dutch digital experience. Key Takeaways: Why You Need a VPN in the Netherlands The picturesque … Read more

Making Calls in The Netherlands: A Complete Guide

This guide aims to make calls easier in the Netherlands by providing practical and clear instructions. Let’s ensure you stay connected without any hiccups while equipping you with cost-saving tips that make communication wallet-friendly. Dive in to navigate the Dutch-calling waters with ease! Key Takeaways: Making Calls in The Netherlands: Understanding the Dutch Phone System … Read more

Most Important Dutch Inventions: From CD’s to Wi-Fi and more

From groundbreaking scientific instruments that transformed our understanding of the microscopic world, to technological marvels that have become an integral part of our daily lives, Dutch inventors have consistently been at the forefront of global advancements. As foreigners immerse themselves in the Dutch culture and way of life, it’s both fascinating and inspiring to recognize … Read more